• Board of Directors Resources

    Expectations & Bylaws

    Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce

    Board of Directors - Director Expectations & Agreements


    Updated September 3, 2019


    Chamber Board Directors are expected to:

    · Maintain an active Chamber Membership either individually or through their business throughout their term.

    · Support and advocate for the mission of the Chamber.

    · Be informed of the Chamber bylaws, policies, and budget.

    · Prepare for, attend, and actively participate in all Board meetings as outlined in the Chamber bylaws.

    · Assist with Chamber fundraising efforts in time, talent, and treasure.

    · Keep informed of membership benefits including programs and events.

    · Participate in the Board Director nominating process and assist with the recruiting and mentoring of the new Board Directors.

    · Regularly participate and/or volunteer in Chamber-sponsored or hosted events.


    New Board Director Orientation

    Within 30 days of a new Board Director taking office, the President/CEO and/or the current chairman of the Board will provide an orientation packet which includes:

    · Chamber’s Bylaws

    · Minutes of all Board meetings during the previous 12 months, including end of year financial statements and the annual budget

    · Board Director Contact List

    · Board Director Agreements and Policies (to be signed)


    All new Board Directors will be asked to submit a biography and a photograph for publicity purposes. If the Board Director does not have a photo, one will be taken at the first available opportunity.



    • Be an ambassador for the Chamber. This includes helping recruit new members, maintaining member relationships, and supporting the Chamber publicly.

    • All Board Directors are encouraged to take a strong ownership in the Chamber and embrace this leadership role. Other Chamber Members recognize Board Directors and their company as leaders in the chamber and in the community.

    • Attend Board Meetings and Committee Meetings.

    • All Board Directors are expected to attend chamber functions such as the Seminars/Luncheons, Ribbon Cuttings, Business After/Before Hours, Sporting Clays Shoot, Annual Luncheon, Taste Inn, Aunt Het Fall Festival, etc. Their presence at these functions adds prestige to the event and sets an example for other chamber Directors. Board Directors and their firms may be introduced at these functions.

    • The Board will be updated regularly and asked to make governance decisions about Chamber operations and finances, as well as positions on business-related matters that could impact Chamber operations or membership operations.

    • The Board operates as one body - no one individual can make decisions on behalf of the organization without consultation of the full Board unless their officer duties require them to do so.



    Board Meetings

    • Prior to each Board meeting, Board Directors will receive a pack of information via email, including agenda, the previous month’s minutes, and the previous month’s financials. Please take a few moments to review this packet prior to the meeting. Board Directors are asked to notify staff if they are unable to attend the meeting.

    Board meetings begin at 8:30am on the Second Tuesday of each month unless changed by a Board vote for holidays, etc.

    • Board Directors are expected to be on time to Board meetings.

    • If a Board Director misses more than three meetings without an excuse deemed valid by the current Chairman, they may be relieved of their duties as a Board Director through a vote of the Board.


    Dismissals, Resignations, & Vacancies

    Dismissals: Board Directors who do not meet expectations laid out in the Bylaws, or in any signed Board Director Agreement, may be subject to dismissal from their duties by a vote of the full Board.

    Resignations: If a Board Director resigns before the end of their term, they may be asked to nominate a replacement, to be confirmed by the Board, to serve the remainder of the term. If there is no nominee or if the nominee is not confirmed by the Board, it is then up to the Board of Directors to replace that seat for the remainder of the term if they so choose. Resignations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the board with an effective date. If the Chair resigns, the notice must be delivered in writing to the Vice Chair.

    Vacancies: Board vacancies can be filled through a nomination process laid out by the Board. Vacancies can be filled to finish out the term of the Director leaving the Board or filled for a term of the Board’s choosing not to exceed the term limits set forth by the Bylaws.